It was around 2 years ago when I wanted to change a job in London. I was looking all around sending CVs to every decent offer I could find and one day, I got a response and a huge adventure begun. 

This event at my life has a lot of points of view and a lot of impacts on my life in different parts of my life. I’ve met one of the most competitive environment, many selfish people, reached my mental bottom and realized things that led for example to my marriage today. I also realized how valuable is it to know who you are and what does it mean not to sacrifice your value to the wealth. 

But let’s save this part of the story to some other time, it’s more about life coaching than body language coaching. 

Let’s focus on the first stage where I got my response and got invited to my job interview. I didn’t know much about the company, the only thing I knew about it was the fact, it has to do something with marketing. So I started to think about what type of body language should I take to fit it the most to the environment of marketing company. 

I found out, that I need to be more assertive, confident, talkative, strong and by kind of “element” have something special about myself that impress. So I suited up and went there. At the moment, I entered the door I knew I was right. The place was full of peacock people who were working around with dominant body language. Everyone in a hurry. Yesterday was late. 

The assistant of the boss told me to wait at the near chair and gave like five pages long-form about anything about myself. I will skip this part and move to the moment I got called to the owner’s office. 

As I heard my name, I knew that this is the time, I need to get into the role I prescribed myself all the characteristics, I told myself that will fit there the most, I had and it was combat time. 

The owner was a Polish guy who seemed to be friendly but you could sense an urge under his smile and this tendency to be quick because “time is money, my friend!”. So we started to talk, I didn’t wait for him to tell to sit and I just did and waited for a little for him to start talking. As a clever mood I had my book in my hand, so I could leave it on the table, to show him how that I care about myself and self-development. As it showed up that was one of the reasons why they hired and one of the most important reasons why I quit. 

The interview went great, I stuck to my dominant, assertive and talkative body language and went through the whole interview, talking about my position there, answering questions as why do you think, you are suitable for us, why should we wait for you etc. also talking about the book I brought there and other clever books. 

When the interview was over we shook hands and he passed me over to one of his other assistances, who was supposed to tell more about money and this practical stuff. So I still had my desired body language because I saw how they were close and I knew he will listen to her in the case he wouldn’t think, I am suitable and she did, so she would help me to get there. Anyway, this part of the job interview was over as well. And I say part of the job interview because it wasn’t just telling me that stuff, she was still observing me and gathering information. 

Finally, I left the building a bit proud of myself and my body language skills but I still didn’t know whether I got it or not. 

That evening, I got a phone call from this owner’s assistant and she told me, I got the job and that she has no idea what did I say to the owner, that he was totally amazed by me and very happy to hire and also wait for me this two weeks which I still couldn’t start. 

So it worked! I was happy, I made it. 

Fancy knowing more about the observing body language? 


Sign up for my FREE online course Body Language of Intentions right here or visit a course section on this website. 

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